According to legend, he is from a Niyogi Telugu Brahmin family and had originally hailed from Lakkaraju Garlapadu village near sattenapalli mandal Guntur District of Andra Pradesh. He was also known as Tenali Ramalinga, a Shaiva name. There is a conflict ongoing in between mahamantri Thimmarusu and Tenali Ramalinga as thimmarusu is vaishnava and he is shaiva.It is believed that he later converted to Vaishnavism.
Some scholars dispute whether that he was a contemporary of Krishnadeva Raya. Tenali Ramakrishna's most famous work, Panduranga Mahatyamu, is dedicated to god Panduranga (विठोबा in Marathi), a form of Vishnu, whose main temple stands at Pandharpur in Maharashtra. He was known for his wit. He died due to a snake-bite.
His story was made into a cartoon called "The Adventures of Tenali Raman" by the Cartoon Network (India) in 2001
He was called a vikatakavi (Telugu: వికటకవి) (a phonetic palindrome) meaning clown-jester-poet.
Kumara Bharathi
Given below is a list of stories of Tenali Ramakrishna:
Tenali Ramalinga’s Entry Into Bhuvana Vijayam
Mahabharat and Delhi Sultan’s wish
Thousand Gold Coins and a Handful Grain
Royal Mother's Last Wish
The Invisible Fabric
Tenali Ramalingam And the Two Thieves
Ramalinga Dares to Criticise Rayalu's Composition
Ramalinga Humiliates Rama Raja Bhushana
The Weird Wells' Wedding Invitation
How an Elephants' fleet junks in a mosquito's throat?
Ramalinaga and Ramayana Recital
Ramalinga Wins the War Before Drawing Swords!
Ramalinga Attempts to Turn a Dog Into a Cow!!!
Ramalinga's Prostrate Adoration to "Donkeys"
Ramakrishna's revenge on Thathacharya
The Kings Condition
A lesson to the greedy